ScanX Logoスキャンエックス・ロゴ
Logo Design
Client: Locus Blue
Logo Design
Client: Locus Blue
ScanX, a Japan- and Australia-based company specialising in online software for analysing 3D points, officially released its cloud service ‘ScanX Cloud’ in September 2020. Studio POETIC CURIOSITY supported the renaming of the company and designed the new company logo and logotype.

The new logo and logotype were designed to reflect the dynamic service of scanning the physical space and duplicating it in digital cloud space. Based on the letter ‘X’, the logo mark represents the three-dimensional perspective of space. The logotype also embodies the spatial expansion like the logo mark while it embraces curvilinear lines in its interior shape indicating the spread of laser beam.

Related article:
– ScanX unveils remote and COVID-friendly solution for the construction & mining industry (UK Plant Operators)